Monday, October 31, 2011

Shoebox App

I'm getting an iPhone next week. This is one app I'd probably use.

The fastest way to scan old paper photos and share them with family and friends.Bring the albums, scrapbooks, and photo-filled “shoeboxes” out of the closet and into an online, shareable space where they can be organized and shared with family and friends

Marine Litter

Cut those plastic rings they put on 6 packs. They aren't good for superheroes or other marine life.

Get the T at

Happy Halloween!

I snapped this cheerful picture at a market in Seville last week.

10 Reasons I Am Better Than My Cats

Is your cat giving you an inferiority complex? Think about it for a minute... humans rule.

  • I have opposable thumbs, and can therefore do amazing things like open doors and prepare my own food.

  • I don’t lick my butt.

  • I don’t lick my sister’s butt.

  • I have a whole blog about them. They don’t even know how to type.

  • I have never scarfed my dinner down, puked it all up, and then eaten the puke.

  • I have never missed the toilet.

Read the other reasons humans rule at My Cat is a Jerk

Trailer Park Boys Costumes

Trailer Park Boys has given me a lot of laughs over the years. If I can round up a posse this is the costume for me. I'm short with glasses so I could be Bubbles without too much of a stretch. I need a Julian, Randy and Mr. Lahey. Any volunteers out there?

Via I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet

Halloween Trickery

Via Sober in a Nightclub

Google Map Carpets

David Hanaeur‘s beautiful Worldwide Carpets started as a student project. The carpets resemble the intricately woven rugs of past generations but come straight from Los Angeles and Los Vegas suburbs pictured on Google Earth.

Link Via Gajits

Sunday, October 30, 2011

How To Drink Milk Like A Canadian

For my American friends. It's not as complicated as she makes it look.


Chia Dog

Here are complete instructions for turning your dog into a chia pet. If I tried to put one of these  costumes on Joyce  my house would be splattered with Nag blood - and not the fake  kind. There will be no chia cat chez Nag this Halloween.

Link Via If It's Hip, It's Here

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Frances Glessner Lee's Deathly Dioramas

At a time when women didn’t have any place among the police or law enforcement, and forensic science barely existed a elderly Chicago socialite named Mrs. Frances Glessner Lee became famous for her crime solving analytical skills, and taught an entire generation of cops how to search for clues…. using doll houses.The creator of 18 perfectly proportioned dioramas based on real-life crime scenes, these painstakingly crafted dioramas include functioning locks and lights and details such as overturned cups, bullet-holes, and boxes of chocolates as well as miniature corpses in a variety of macabre positions.

Read more at The Queen is not Amused...but I am.

Boddington's beer advert 1992

Soubriquet saw my post and suggested this addition to my already extensive beauty regimen. Mr. Nag extends his gratitude.

Friday, October 28, 2011

What Time Is It?

If you'd like to buy this for me you'll find the details at Sharing Machine

How to remove a brain through the nose

So you know. Not for the faint of heart.

A new study just published in the Journal of Comparative Human Biology takes an enthusiastic look at exactly how the Ancient Egyptians removed the brain from cadavers before they were mummified.

Read all about it at Mind Hacks

Marmite and beer inspire new perfume

Burton-on-Trent has got its own designer scent which apparently smells of Marmite, leather, pickle and beer. The city, said to smell of ale from the surrounding hops fields, has inspired the bizarre new perfume called Eau-de-Burton, reports the Daily Telegraph.
Mr. Nag loves beer and he usually keeps a jar of Marmite (yuck) in the fridge. I think he'd like this perfume; maybe I should buy some.

Read more here
Thanks Bruce!

Dermablend Covers Anything

Tattooed model and performer Rico Genest (aka Zombie Boy) with and without “Leg and Body Tattoo Primer.” Like me he looks better with makeup. 
Via Laughing Squid

Paul McCartney to pay for restoration of Motown’s historic Steinway piano

Motown left its mark on Paul McCartney, and now McCartney wants to leave his on Motown: The pop superstar will finance restoration of the label’s historic piano.
Read more here
Thanks Candice!

World's First Mobile Phone (1922)

I'm on a 2 week waiting list for an iPhone 4S. I hope I won't have to carry an umbrella in order to use it.

Via Miss C Recommends

Bob Hope On Zombies And Democrats

Via I Have Seen The Whole Of The Internet

Thursday, October 27, 2011

What Is Coming To Get Us

OMG it's daylight savings time!!!

Link Via Laughing Squid

Museum Slippers

I have visited many museums around the world but have never been asked to wear slippers, not that I'd mind.

NYT link Via bookofjoe

Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Patrick Blanc's Vertical Gardens

Patrick Blanc is a French botanist who creates vertical gardens for cities, public buildings, museums, hotels, restaurants, commercial spaces and private residences around the world.
He created this one in front of the wonderful Caixa Forum in Madrid. The Hotel Mora where I stayed last week is the building above with the flags on it. I took the photo below when I was there.

See more of Blanc's amazing gardens at Twisted Sifter

How to Break Down a Door

Hmm, I usually use my shoulder when I break down doors. That explains why I've had to have physiotherapy twice in four years. Next time Mr. Nag locks me out of the house I'll try this method.

Updated to add: Mr. Nag, who has kicked down many doors over the course of his firefighting career, informs me that this is the way to break your knee. He tells me that the mule kick is most effective. I apologize to anyone who has broken a knee while following this advice.

Via The Art of Manliness

Ken Jennings Is The 99%

Ever wonder what happened to Ken Jennings, record setting game show contestant? Wonder no more.

Link - Via Accordian Guy

Kauffman Mercantile EDC Kit

Cute little tools for your keychain.


Tuesday, October 25, 2011

London Diary, Day One: Burnie McStuffy McPainie McPeesalot

I've been too busy traveling lately to keep up with my favourite blogs. I came back from Spain to an impossible backlog on my Google Reader but I'm glad I took the time to read this post by blogger buddy, Deb. It appears that her much anticipated trip to London got off to a rocky start. Read about it here. It had me in stitches.

Pack a Bag with Dozens of Outfits in 22-inch Suitcase

Thanks Joy. I wish you'd sent me this before I went on vacation.

Hunka Hunka Burnin' Judge

Sounds a bit like Hunka Hunka Hangin' Judge. I'll try not to commit any offenses in his jurisdiction.

Thanks Jill.

I’m Getting Arrested, App That Lets People Know You’ve Been Arrested

I hope I never need this App but I have attended 3 demonstrations in the past week (all in Spain) so one never knows.
Via Laughing Squid

Occupy Dame Street With Billy Bragg

everlasting blort

Gatos salvajes del Parque del Retiro

Madrid's beautiful Retiro Park is home to a number of very healthy looking stray cats. One evening last week I saw an older couple arrive with a bundle buggy of cat food. The cats were expecting them and ran over to be fed.

As we wandered on I saw this beautiful kitten by the side of the path (I admit I wanted to take it home).

When I looked up I saw a lot of kitten activity in a tree. One curious kitten was climbing down while the black one had been on the ground but was frightened and was trying to retreat to his home in the tree. Two others were watching from the safety of their "cat nest".

It looks like these guys will be ready to join the adults at the cat food buffet before too long.

Friday, October 21, 2011

Tapas In Seville

Sevilla Tapas wrote this flattering account of the tapas tour we took with her a few days ago.
What a blast! We have fantastic food memories to tide us over until our next trip to Seville. We definitely won't wait another 32 years until our return.
Check outShawn's site if you're planning a visit to her wonderful city. You'll be glad you did.

- The Nag

Monday, October 17, 2011

I May Have Been Overly Optimistic

I'd hoped to do some blogging while in Spain but wifi, though promised, has been a problem in both places we've stayed so far. Apparently they don't like Macs. I'm picking up emails when I come upon a decent looking cafe with wifi. I'd hoped to post some pics but my iPod thinks my camera is too old and won't have anything to do with it. (Nothing is as ageist as a new Mac product.)
Technological problems aside I am having the time of my life and have tapas, wine and super weather to take my mind off the Internet.

- The Nag

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Don Mills Guide to Fashion

My (very) old friend Don is a natty dresser and he has taken the time to tell you how you can look just like him instead of like some nitwit young hooligan. So be appreciative and pull up your slacks, kids.

Read more at Don Mills

- The Nag

Sunday, October 09, 2011

Tom Deininger's Landscape Junk Assemblages

Tom Deininger's art made from junk is beautiful.

via Twisted Sifter

- The Nag

Please Stand By

I am in Spain and did not bring my beloved MacBook with me. I'll be blogging from my iPad and am finding Blogpress to be a bit cumbersome for the kind of blogging I do. By the time I return I should have it mastered so hang in. Those of you who subscribe to The Nag on Google Reader may see many duplicate or even triplicate posts as I post and edit, post and edit again and again.

- The Nag

The Euthanasia Coaster

What a concept! Julionas Urbonas' euthanasia coaster allows people to a take their lives with "elegance and euphoria" by starving the brain of oxygen.

Via A London Salmagundi
- TheNag

Happy 50th Birthday Breakfast At Tiffany's

Fifty years ago today, Breakfast at Tiffany’s made its debut. The iconic film, based on the Truman Capote novella of the same name, went on to become one of the most beloved romantic comedies of all time, and the Holly Golightly character remained the most memorable role of Edda van Heemstra Hepburn-Ruston, better-known as Audrey Hepburn. Throughout her long career, no one has managed to capture Hepburn’s character, charisma, and enigma with more visual eloquence than iconic photographer Bob Willoughby, who met a young Hepburn shortly after she arrived in Hollywood in 1953 and, mesmerized by her extraordinary persona, continued to shoot her for over a decade.

See more Bob Willoughby photos of Hepburn at Brain Pickings

Sunday, October 02, 2011

Anatomy of an Apple rumor

The Curious Brain

Monette & Mady, Inseparable Twins

Maja Daniels is a Swedish independent photographer who has created this project about the life of Paris-based identical twins Monette and Mady who have lived their whole life closely together and are inseparable.

Belgium's Mr Penguin dreams of Antarctic funeral

Belgian pensioner Alfred David dreams one day he'll find eternal rest in the icy waters somewhere near Antarctica, dressed in his penguin suit and laid out in a coffin decorated with penguins. 
David's life changed in May 1968 when his hip was injured in a car accident. His resulting limp was characterised by his colleagues as a waddle, and they dubbed him Mr Penguin. 

National Flags Made From Food




These delicious flags were designed for the Sydney International Food Festival by the advertising agency WHYBIN\TBWA