Wednesday, July 15, 2020

Duct Tape Prom Dress

Eighteen-year-old Peyton Manker's entry to Duck duct tape's 2020 Stuck at Prom contest was inspired by COVID-19 which caused so many proms to be cancelled this year. She used 41 rolls of duct tape to create her mindblowing dress which she describes here:
"The front left panel design represents those on the front line such as doctors, nurses, janitors, postal workers, police officers, construction workers, the military, grocery workers, restaurant workers, firefighters, etc. For the front middle panel, I created a man who represents mental illness during quarantine whether it be due to isolation, worry, fear, or even being affected personally by the virus. The front right design is meant to be a virtual 2020 graduation through a video chat. The back left and right panels are meant to be one design. It showcases a woman infected with the virus as well as a man trying to protect himself from it using his mask as a shield. The final panel design represents the world trying to run from the virus both figuratively and literally. "
Via Rusty's Electric Dreams 


  1. Sorry for being a dweeb, Nag, but it's duck tape. Sticky tape on a duck fabric.
    Duck tape would be absolutely the wrong thing to use on ducts.

  2. I am absolutely blown away by this young woman's ingenuity and artistry!
