Thursday, June 27, 2019

Big Excitement Chez Nag

Our young cat, Carmen (previously), slipped out the back door today. She's an indoor cat because the traffic on our street is horrendous in summer and there are predators at night so I left the door open and went searching for her in the vast jungle that is my backyard. Mr. Nag indicated a zooming shape that was headed toward the open door. "Look out," I screamed. "She has a chipmunk in her mouth!"
She ran upstairs to the bedroom and I slammed the door shut behind her.
I told Mr. Nag he was going to have to deal with this one. "Get me my gloves'" he said as he entered the bedroom. I was going to ask him if he needed his pith helmet and blunderbuss but thought that might not be wise. When Carmen dropped the animal he ushered her out of the room and went back to hunting his prey.
Meanwhile I secured our cat, Joyce, and Parker, the guest dog. When I looked for Lizzie, our 15 year old dog, she was nowhere to be found. I ran around the neighbourhood calling for her and finally discovered her in the parking lot behind the house chowing down on some fast food in a styrofoam carton that someone had carelessly tossed there (shame on them). When Lizzie and I returned to the house there were loud noises coming from the bedroom; I was afraid to investigate. Finally Harold emerged. He'd been unsuccessful at trapping the critter. I'm not going to be able to sleep tonight with that thing loose in the house.


  1. Ha ! Life with cats and dogs is never boring ! Glad both pets are home safe .

  2. you are hilarious and your life sounds like a combination of Dr Doolittle and Die hard .,.

  3. How did your kitty & chippy incident turn out?

  4. Chipmunk update from my FB page: I thought the chipmunk had left the building but I was wrong. When I returned home from a Costco run the dogs greeted me but the cats didn't.This was unusual so I searched upstairs and couldn't find them. My first thought was that the dogs had finally grown impatient with the cats and had killed them. Is that crazy? I then went to the east wing of Chateau Bellamy and found Carmen chasing the chipmunk around the tv room while Joyce looked on. I extricated the cats,opened the doors to the sunporch and the outdoors and guided the chipmunk (who was pretty spunky considering what he'd gone through) with a wastebasket until he finally exited the premises. He left a section of his tail as a souvenir - but I assure you he was in good health when he left.

    1. that's quite the "tale"...sorry, couldn't help myself...

    2. Or quite the tail?

  5. Time to move! lol
