Thursday, November 03, 2011

Louis vs. Rick

Louis vs. Rick is a cautionary tale about the perils of teaching a feline to instant message. The exchanges between the two are hilarious, like this one where Louis is jealous of Rick's girlfriend:

  • --------: 2:07 PM
  • LouisTheCat: im not angry
  • RickDickens77: Then what's with the silent treatment?
  • LouisTheCat: i mean im not angry anymore
  • RickDickens77: So tell me why you've been angry, at least. Is it Emily?
  • LouisTheCat: she was in my spot
  • RickDickens77: So it's about her spending the night.
  • LouisTheCat: thats my spot
  • LouisTheCat: i dont know why you would just let some tramp lay in my spot
  •   RickDickens77: She's not a tramp, she's very special.
  • LouisTheCat: special tramp
  • LouisTheCat: so you mean whore
          • I'm convinced. I shall not teach Joyce to instant message no matter how loud she miaows
          Via - Metafilter


        1. If I had a cat I'd love this. I'd text "You know when you ripped up the curtains with your claws and then puked on the bathroom floor?"

          Cat: Yes. Enjoyed that. Green puke, lots.

          "Yeah. that's why you're on cheap tinned catfood from now on. And getting locked in the laundry room tonight"

          Cat: F**K YOU, f**k you pal, I'm out of here.

          "Remember I can lock the cat-door from inside. Enjoy the animal shelter".

        2. Another good argument against human/feline instant messaging. Both would say things they'd later regret. Well I'm sure you would. The cat maybe not.

        3. I would not.

          The cat, however, would be frantically texting me, "Hey! I was only joking, can I come home now? Ur frend. the cat xxxx"


          "Hey! You're missing me I bet. How about I come in and do some purring?"

          Go away.

          " Let me in or I'll hide in a bush until you walk by and then I'll spring out and rip your veins and score your f***ing eyes out!"

          I'm turning my phone off now.

        4. It seems British cats are a rough bunch.
