Thursday, May 30, 2024

Harvesting Wheat with a 33-Mule Team

From the 1900s through the 1930s, this was a common sight in Eastern Washington's wheatfields during harvest season.

Thanks Bruce!

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous2:25 pm

    Now 24 million bushels are exported from that area. At 50 bushels/acre you’d need 480,000 acres or 750 sq/mi of land. A combine with a 15 ft cutter head at 4 mph will take 66,000 hours to harvest all that wheat. Figure a one month window at 24/7 you'll need 100 combines to get it done. Unlikely you have a month probably 2 weeks, and 24/7 is wishful thinking, so more likely you are going to need 500 combines.
    Smaller combines are under $500,000 but big ones go up to $1 million... no wonder getting fat is so expensive.
