Saturday, January 07, 2023

My Duduś

This sweet lady found a baby squirrel abandoned in her yard. She contacted animal shelters nearby, but they were struggling to take in more animals during the Covid pandemic, so she began caring for him herself.



  1. Replies
    1. Many years ago I was a young social worker visiting a family in a housing project and came across some boys teasing a baby squirrel. I chastised them and they told me its mother was dead. She was and it looked like they had killed her. I took the little squirrel home with me to protect it from the same fate. It was very affectionate but I knew I could not keep it so I put it in a birdcage with some nuts and took it to High Park which has a large area that is kept in a natural state. I set it free but it kept following me. I finally managed to outrun it and returned home but have always wondered how things worked out for that poor little creature.
