Sunday, September 20, 2020

Sunday Links

Painting credit: Lawren S. Harris (1885–1970), Houses, Gerrard Street, Toronto (detail), 1912, © Family of Lawren S. Harris

How to Escape From a Volcano Eruption : If you had been in Pompeii in 79 AD, you might have tried to hunker down or escape by sea. This would be a mistake.

I need this face mask 

Czar Peter House in Zaandam: Long before the Rijksmuseum, Van Gogh museum and many other sights, one of the earliest tourist attractions in the Netherlands was a simple wooden house with an interesting royal history.

Rank Country: Search thousands of country-based indicators across all categories of the built and natural world.

 Spectacular Ceilings Via Memo Of The Air

This is a beautiful poem: Eden Rock

Cat Plates handcrafted by TanikoGa Ceramics.

In the 17th century an ungrounded conspiracy theory gripped England and Scotland with an anti-Catholic hysteria.Via perfect for roquefort cheese

Something that I didn't know but have wondered about: The Internet Lives in a Huge Hotel in Manhattan

Looking for a fixer-upper?  Cheap Irish Houses Via Things Magazine

Cronobook is a world map of geolocated pictures that you can filter by the time you want to see. The pictures are accompanied by a date and a description added by the user who uploaded them. 

Now I want to find out more about Ethiopian jazz. The Honky Tonk Nun  via Austin Kleon's newsletter

The RIAA's  Filthy Fifteen  perfect for roquefort cheese

The Off-Kilter History of British Cuisine: Fanny Cradock built an entertainment brand on her putative brilliance in the kitchen, but also her superciliousness, hectoring her husband, mistreating her colleagues, and patronizing her audience, the great British public, whom she regarded as gastronomic philistines.

64 Things People Always Forget to Clean I have never, ever cleaned my tea kettle, my tv screen or my car keys. Have you?

Teacher fired for in-class castration This is even more disgusting than the title indicates.

The most scenic airports in the world for takeoffs and landings.


  1. Anthony12:24 pm

    I really Love cronobook. It's an awesome website to swim deep into and discover lots of incredible pictures. I recommend it to anyone.

  2. Regarding the article of cleaning 64 things you never clean:

    You never clean these things because either they're never dirty or who cares? Like, how would dirt even get on a cupboard door, or between the mattress and the box spring, or the underside of a drawer? When I got to the picture of a hand-model's fingernail-painted hands delicately washing a ring of keys with a toothbrush in a bowl of soapy water I barked a delighted incredulous laugh. Clean keys work worse. New keys work worse not only because they're not worn-in but because they're too clean. All sorts of things are not improved at all by being squeaky-clean, especially fun things, and plenty of things can be ruined by cleaning just a little too often (or at all). A laser printer, for example, or a microphone, or a painting, or real jeans.

    There's a Nicolas Cage movie called /Matchstick Men/ where the main character is all the way down on his nose microscopically scrubbing the grout in the shower with a toothbrush. That's entertainingly nuts to me, and apparently to lots of other people; the movie did pretty well. I liked every part of it. I liked his relationship with his surprise daughter. He's a con man and a criminal but he becomes a pretty good father all the way through the end, and sets an example for all of us. Like Nolan --a tough, drinking, whoring, not particularly bright old soldier and space-junk scavenger-- and his adopted alien daughter Irisa in /Defiance/, and Nolan hardly ever even washes his own face.
