Monday, December 17, 2018

When Asbestos Was Marketed As Christmas Decor

I did not know that in the good old days a carcinogen was used to create Christmas cheer. It might be time to ditch some of those heirloom ornaments. reports:
Asbestos was once marketed as artificial snow and sprinkled on trees and wreaths and ornaments. Although those products have not been produced for many years, the oldest decorations that were passed down from one generation to the next, may still have small amounts of asbestos.
Here is an example that is familiar to most of us: There is a scene in “The Wizard of Oz” where an asbestos snowfall awakes Dorothy and her friends from a spell cast by the Wicked Witch of the West. (The snow starts falling at 2:48)

More here


  1. and exhaust on cars


  2. Sorry it took so long to publish your comment Jesse. Blogger wasn't sending me comment notifications. It's fixed now.
