Wednesday, September 26, 2018

Damn Spam!

I just decided to empty my gigantic spam folder and, lo and behold, I found concrete evidence that my readers had not abandoned me! The folder had numerous comments that had bypassed my inbox and gone straight to spam. I don't know how long this has been going on because emails in spam are automatically deleted after a period of time. My apologies to all who think I've been ignoring you; I've posted those I could retrieve. I do appreciate all your comments because they let me know that I'm not blogging into some huge void.


  1. Sharktooth7:05 pm

    This definitely calls for some Monty Python.

  2. Thanks Sharktooth. I like to start my day with a chuckle.

  3. I pop by for a read almost every day :)

  4. Glad to meet you I nix.

  5. You're definitely not blogging in a void. But compared with more modern platforms Blogger has a tool for commenting that is not easy to use at all, and not interactive. If it offered the possibility to "like" or do a quick reaction you would get a lot more feedback (from me at least).

  6. Good to hear from you again Simon. Over the years I've considered switching to Wordpress but keep putting it off. Perhaps the time has come?

  7. Marilyn, You are not blogging into a void! Some of us older farts check your blog regularly. Perhaps we should say 'thanks' and 'like your work' now and again so that it does not feel so much like one-way traffic.

    I was away from the Internet for a few weeks. When I checked out Nag, I was gobsmacked by how much new stuff you had posted. Even before I had got through those posts, there was a load of new stuff added. I am pretty sure I can read your posts faster than you can blog them, but dammit stop raising the bar like this.

    So to all of the other Nag readers; If you could comment a little more often, good ,sucks, meh, or whatever, well that would be great.

  8. I've been blogging for a very long time and my stats tell me that a lot of readers stop by regularly but I'm always encouraged when people take the time to comment. Thanks Matthew!

  9. Miss Cellania7:32 am

    Hey, I wonder if that happened to me. For about a year, I assumed that Blogger had stopped emailing comments. I instead tried to remember to check them at the website. Then suddenly, Blogger asked if I wanted to "keep receiving comments," as if I had been receiving them. I said yes, and now they come to my social media folder. I never checked the spam folder except to empty it occasionally.

  10. I was out of the habit of checking Blogger because I used to receive emails. I don't receive an overwhelming number of comments but I guess I'll have to be more vigilant.
