Monday, April 14, 2014

Fed Up

This documentary takes a frightening look at the relationship between the food industry and childhood obesity.

Fed Up blows the lid off everything we thought we knew about food and weight loss, revealing a 30-year campaign by the food industry, aided by the U.S. government, to mislead and confuse the American public, resulting in one of the largest health epidemics in history.

Via Blog on a Toothpick


  1. Impressive. And very very scary

  2. I don't eat a lot of processed foods. Lots of people I know eat nothing else.

  3. I am lucky. I live a/in Europe and b/next to Amsterdam's biggest and best daily open air food market. And c/I know how to cook (and I work from home, which gives me the possibility to go shopping on the market in my lunch break). I have the luxury of cooking from scratch with fresh vegetables and fish (often) every day. I think the only processed food I ever eat are tinned sardines from Portugal, a lunch my cat and I equally love and share.

  4. Fresh fruits and vegetables are expensive off season but even in the summer when we have good local produce at a reasonable price people opt for junk in a box that they can stick in the microwave. Cheap restaurants serve frozen food. They don't even make their own French fries. Our meat is produced on Factory farms that treat the animals poorly and pump them full of antibiotics. I could rant on forever but I'll spare you.
