Sunday, August 05, 2012

Anyone Else Having This Problem?

Shawn aka Sevilla Tapas sent me this message:
Darling! As usual finding it impossible to leave comments on your blog. Keep getting "openID error!" although I am using the correct ID. Bloody fascist Blogspot only makes it easy for other Blogspot users...
If you've had the same issue send me a message (obviously you won't be able to leave a comment) and I will try to address it. What do you think? Should I switch to Wordpress as Shawn has often suggested?


  1. Works for me with Google Account.

  2. Don't switch to WP. Your life will become a living hell.

  3. Sounds like a typical spam comment to me.
    There are many variations, but Shawn, aka sevilla tapas clearly successfully managed to leave his comment and his link. Maybe I'm cynical.

  4. Wow, I certainly don't need that! Thanks Meredith.

  5. Soubriquet, you are mistaken; this was not a comment. I posted this message from Shawn, a long time blogger friend, because I want to see if others are having the same difficulty. I finally got to meet her when I went on one of her fabulous tapas tours in Seville last year and thought I'd toss in the link while I was at it.

  6. Okay. Sorry, Shawn.

  7. I can see how you could have made that assumption, Soubriquet. I probably wasn't clear enough.

  8. For my Frogsmoke blog I dumped WP and moved to Google+. I never looked back. It's not pretty and won't make you win awards but it's easy to use.

  9. Romke, I love your blog and check in regularly but I'm not a big fan of Google+. For instance I don't like that I can't add your blog to Google Reader.
