Friday, August 26, 2011

Master the Delicate Art of Social Media Etiquette

Details has posted comedian Nick Kroll's helpful tips on the etiquette of social media use. Here are some examples:

  • Don't give me constant updates of where you are eating or shopping. The only person who cares about that is your stalker, and the real joy for him is the hunt.
  • If I send you a text and you don't respond and then I see you tweet something or post something on Facebook, I know that you are straight up ignoring me. Just remember that everyone on the Internet is taking note of your goings-on and judging you all the time. Isn't that comforting?
  • Let's take it easy on the hashtags, folks. It's fun to build on others' ideas, but the long-hashtag-as-a-punchline needs to be well thought out. And, BTW, capitalize the first letter of each new word. #AmIRightLadiesWhoAmIKiddingNoOneWillReadThisArticleImSoDesperatelyAloneWhatShouldITweetNext
  • Do not tag me in photos that I am not in to get me to look at them. This little game does not ingratiate you to me, it makes me hate you. All I do all day is look for photos of myself on the Internet, and when I am pic-teased, I get super-angry about it. Do not be a pic-tease
    • More here - Via


    1. Anonymous10:38 am

      But I always give updates about where I'm eating - it's what I do for a living!

      I agree about the fake photo tagging though - hate that.

    2. Don't take it personally, Azahar, I'm sure that food writers are exempt from his scathing criticism.

    3. ...and if you request to be 'my friend', and I ignore you once...and then twice...I have to wonder why you would still want to be my friend.
      Just go away...please.

    4. Anonymous7:47 am

      I wouldn't call myself a food writer, but did you see where I was mentioned in the Wall Street Journal?? (see my blog)
