Sunday, April 03, 2011

Spitalfields Nippers

The nippers were photographed by Horace Warner in 1912.

Little is known of Horace Warner and nothing is known of his relationship to the nippers. Only thirty of these pictures survive, out of two hundred and forty that he took, tantalising the viewer today as rare visions of the lost tribe of Spitalfields Nippers. They make look like paupers, and the original usage of them to accompany the annual reports of the charitable Bedford Institute, Quaker St, Spitalfields, may have been as illustrations of poverty – but that is not the sum total of these beguiling photographs, because they exist as spirited images of something much more subtle and compelling, the elusive drama of childhood itself.
See more at Spitalfields Life


  1. Anonymous4:10 am

    I love these!

  2. There are pictures of my mother and her numerous siblings that look a lot like this. After the election is over I may scan some and post them here.
