Monday, February 21, 2011

Hep Cats and Beatniks

The Nag loves hep cats.
Scattered Joy


  1. Anonymous9:45 am

    thanks for this nice post 111213

  2. "Dig the vacuum, Tomorrow drags". Oh man, that chick's so hep to the crazy beat!

    Wow. I'm having a real groovy time with all this jazz, 'n poetry. And knitwear. Now no groovy cat's gonna go out without a cool sweater, eh?

    Makes me want to see the movie!

  3. You need this one too!

  4. You sound like a pretty hep cat yourself, Soubriquet.

  5. Sorry Soubriquet, I'm trying to get used to my iPad and accidentally deleted your last comment and now it's gone forever (unless you resent it).

  6. I'm so hep, I'm thinking of having a leg amputated, so I can be a star of hep-hop.

    Exscuse me whilst I adjust my beret....

    Oh, and, Scattered Joy? that would occur after an untidy Joy Division, no?
    Lurrve will tear us apaaaart again...

    (Comment restored using Lazarus 2.0.5 plugin for firefox. It saves pretty much everything, and can restore it with a single click. Lazarus 3.0.3 works with Safari, chrome, firefox. As yet, 2.0.5 is more able for firefox. Never lose the contents of a form or comment, or blogpost again.)
