Wednesday, January 05, 2011

Books & Bars

If I found myself in one of these L.A. bars I'm afraid I'd never want to leave.

"Actually, alcohol and the written word have a close correlation and long history; among the famous writers who were heavy drinkers include Hunter S. Thompson, Tennessee Williams, Charles Bukowski, William Faulkner and Ernest Hemingway."


  1. Mmm, dark wood, books and booze. I like that combo too.

  2. Let's meet for a drink and a discussion about Jonathan Franzen.

  3. Oh my. My kind of bar.

    I'm working my way through the books in the New Roscoe, I can sit happily with my guinness and a book. They think it's funny that i pull books off the shelves, that I flip through to where I was last time, maybe a month or more ago. I'm not a regular visitor...
    To the barstaff, the books are just decor. Not, though, to the bossman, who I've known, on and off for ohhhh... over thirty years. Since the old Roscoe. Noel's a well read man, who knows all sorts of odd stuff. Because he reads.
    Who's Jonathan Franzen?

  4. He's one of my favourite authors and has a new novel (Freedom) that I'm dying to read. I loved The Corrections.

  5. I'm blown away - that place is gorgeous. For some reason it's become the mark of a social pariah to sit in a bar and read a book. Which is of course crazy.

    I'm currently located in Toronto, and my favourite reading&drinking establishment is Smokeless Joe on John St. Small, quiet, fantastic beer menu, and enough of an old-timey feel that no one looks out of place if their chosen company is a fat novel.

    I'm currently blogging about my attempt to self-publish my next novel, Hanlan's Point. I'm handling the printing, cutting, and binding myself. Follow along at

  6. I didn't know you were a novelist. How wonderful!
