Tuesday, November 09, 2010

Can anyone enlighten me?

I recently visited the Guggenheim Museum in Venice. Peggy Guggenheim's dogs are buried in the courtyard; so, for that matter, is she. I am puzzled by the fact that all the early ones died as pups. I've searched around for an answer and so far have found one blog post that speculates that Guggenheim fed them fois gras which precipitated their early demise.  How likely is this?


  1. Anonymous1:02 pm

    Nag, maybe there was some advance in veterinary care in the 50's? The introduction of a vaccine that's now routine?

  2. Not sure about that but I can't imagine that a diet of fois gras would be that deadly.

  3. Foie gras contains 44% of fat so if the pups were really fed on that, I am not surprised that they all died so young...
