Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Canadian Blog Awards 2010

Thanks to all who voted for The Nag in the Canadian Blog Awards this year. I placed third in the Popular Culture category and have added another beaver to my sidebar. Special thanks to other bloggers who plugged me on their sites.


  1. Congratulations on the win!
    It's nice to see you back from your vacation, and on top of your game again.

  2. Congrats! We placed third as well. Voted for you!
    The Middle Ages

  3. Thanks guys! Congrats to you too,Barbara. I voted for you as often as I voted for myself but I missed two days due to travel and jetlag.

  4. Congratulations.

    Long term national recognition, international fame, I can only hope the wealth and celebrity don't go to your head, and you don't become too grand to keep Nagging on the Lake.

    Congrats also to Deb and Barbara.

    Let the champagne corks pop!

  5. Actually I'm pissed off but I'm not ready to talk about it just yet. Champagne was last week. This week not so much.
