Saturday, August 28, 2010

Torture Classics

TC Infomercial TV Spot from TORTURECLASSICS
The United States Department of Defense and Central Intelligence Agency has made extensive use of sonic interrogation techniques, ie. torture by music, in facilities like Abu Ghraib, Guantanamo Bay, Kandahar, Bagram Detention Center and numerous “black sites” scattered around the globe. Such Interrogation techniques, combined with sleep deprivation, hard treatment, water-boarding, air deprivation and other notorious forms of torture, has been legalized under special provision of the United States Department of Justice and the White House under both the Bush and Obama administrations and continues to be used today.

The actual music used in TORTURE CLASSICS has been reported by both prison guards and released inmates (Binyam Mohamed and Donald Vance, tortured with music for 76 days) and includes Top 40 hits, Metal, Hard Rock, Country and Western, TV theme-songs and commercial jingles, as well as original “mash-ups” created by CIA agents, prison administrators, guards and interrogators.

More here


  1. Sue Dunham9:21 am

    Here's the torture scene from Billy Wilder's "One, Two Three"

  2. Great. Now I have an itsy bitsy earworm.
