Sunday, January 31, 2010

Billy Bragg at Speakers' Corner

If you pay tax in the UK, you are a major shareholder in several banks - Royal Bank of Scotland (RBS), Lloyds and Northern Rock - who were saved from financial ruin by government intervention in 2008.

The Treasury spent £117bn of taxpayers' cash bailing out Britain's failing banks - and last month it was revealed that this figure could rise to £850bn.

Some of those billions will be paid to investment bankers as annual bonuses in February.
Billy Bragg doesn't believe this is right. Who would? He stood up at Speakers' Corner in Hyde Park in London (and I made a point of being there to see him) to say he that he would be withholding his taxes because he doesn't believe British taxpayers should pay these bonuses. He faces heavy fines for doing this. Good for you Billy! Below is a photo I took at the event. I tried to upload video but Blogger wouldn't let me.


  1. Welcome to England, Nag...
    I hope you have a great and memorable time.

    And Hear-hear! for Billy Bragg...
    why should we be paying bonuses to the people who presided over the world banking crash?
    How many ordinary folk paid for their greed by losing their houses, jobs, businesses, and in some cases, lives?
    And yet the bankers are still preening and treating each other to a luxury life, "Because we're worth it".


    Meanwhile our ex-prime minister is busily lying through his teeth about his motives for invading Iraq.
    Interesting to see that some of his lines have mutated.

  2. I haven't been able to find video of this yet. Wish I could have been there!

  3. Anonymous3:07 am

    Keep posting stuff like this i really like it
