Friday, October 09, 2009

Parc Belmont Park

When I was a young nag my Auntie Sheila would take my two sisters and I on an outing to Belmont Park every summer. I loved the cotton candy, the ice cream waffles and the terrifying Wild Mouse ride. It was the highlight of my summer vacation. Thanks Auntie Sheila and thanks to my sister, Dawn, for sending me the link. It brings back happy memories.

The Whip
The Wild Mouse
The Round Up
Often referred to as 'Beautiful Belmont Park', it was started by Ernest Gaudreau and three business associates when they formed The Belmont Park Company. They purchased about 5 hectares of a farm in west Montreal, which had water frontage on Riviere des Prairies (Prairies River), a split of The St. Laurent (St. Lawrence) River. Access to the park was to be via Rivoli Street. Opening day occurred June, 9, 1923 with admission at 10 cents for adults, half price for children.
See more at Closed Canadian Parks


  1. Anonymous2:43 pm

    I used to live around there, in Cartierville. We called it the Back River and I didn't realize it had another name until much later. I only went to Belmont Park a couple of times. All I remember is the creak of its wooden roller coaster.


  2. It was a real old fashioned amusement park. We had to take 3 or 4 buses to get there from Lachine. It seemed so far away.

  3. Anonymous3:41 pm

    Would anyone have pictures of the little houses that were contrusted at the back of the parc Belmont? There were houses where you could play pretend, a bakery with fake plaster cakes nailed to the counter, a church, a photographer's studio, etc. I would Love to hear any memories someone has about this, for a while those houses were my favourite place in the world!!

  4. I don't remember those. I hope someone has pictures to share with you.
