Sunday, March 29, 2009

I was sure Armageddon came during Earth Hour

I checked my stat counter this morning. Fewer than 200 hits yesterday and none today! Where had everyone gone? Had my reader(s) wised up en masse and moved on? Perhaps the world had come to an end. Turns out I accidentally deleted my statcounter code from my blog layout and lost about 20 hours of stats.


  1. I'm still following you!

  2. When I first got my stat counter I was like a Skinner Box rat pressing its lever. Now my stats are pretty steady except during the Canadian Blog Awards when I see a big spike so I tend not to check them as often. I'm just grateful to have so many regular readers. It would be a disaster if they all left at once.

  3. Speaking of Earth Hour: How was it where you were? We were visiting friends in Toronto, and were astonished to see that our hosts were the only people on the block celebrating the "lights out". We had a wonderful pot luck candle-lit dinner, but all the guests wondered what many people participated last year, and it was magic. This year, not so much. Any theories on this?

  4. Our street was dark but for other reasons. Our next door neighbours are away, two houses across the street are empty and for sale so I can't really gauge the response to Earth Hour.

  5. We'd never leave you, Nag!

    (not if we know what's good for us!)


  6. You'll have to excuse me, Alantru, I've been feeling a bit insecure ever since Avery tossed me aside like a piece of used Kleenex.
