Saturday, December 20, 2008

My Own Superhero

It snowed like a sonofabitch yesterday. I anticipated an impossible commute so I brought work home with me the night before and toiled over correspondence and a press release all day. Mr. Nag drove home from working all night in Toronto and immediately segued into tasks usually performed by guys in leotards and capes. He shoveled out driveways for the infirm, delivered chicken soup he'd made himself (with ginger and coriander) to a friend who was housebound with a bad knee and for a grand finale drove an ambulance for paramedics who couldn't get their vehicle out of a snowdrift.


  1. Anonymous9:22 am

    Way to go Mr. Nag!
    Just remember; the underwear goes on the INSIDE.

  2. I've passed your comment along. Thanks Sue.
