Saturday, October 25, 2008

What if you threw a party and nobody came?

It almost happened to me many, many moons ago. I set out snacks (likely chips with sour cream and onion dip, although I can't be absolutely certain) and waited for people to come so the fun could begin...and waited...and waited. I sat there in a bewitching outfit watching the hands of the clock make their slow rotation. I decided a glass of wine was needed and then another and so on. By midnight when people finally started rolling in I was talking on the big white telephone, if you know what I mean. I am told it was a great party. Too bad I missed it.

Facebook in a Crowd tells the story of Hal Niedzviecki's ill-fated attempt to turn cyber friends into real friends. Having been there once upon a time I feel his pain.


  1. Do you remember the old Mary Tyler Moore show? She used to throw horrible parties, where hardly anyone came. Finally she had Johnny Carson expected to come to one, but the power went out, so we heard only his voice. :-)

  2. Funny, I do remember that one. My head is full of this stuff and that is why I stand around at the grocery store trying to recall what it is I came to buy.

  3. You would think that, at the very least, his actual friends that are also on Facebook would have show up.

  4. I guess one can't count on them when the chips are down. I've made a note of that
