Friday, August 22, 2008

Joplin and Jones

Never liked him much. Loved her. This works though.

When I was a very young teenager my friend, Sandy McNutt, and I hung around outside the Festival Express extravaganza in Toronto listening to the music and boppin' around. We couldn't afford tickets or maybe they were sold out, I can't remember. Eventually a cop felt sorry for us and let us in through the stage entrance for free just in time for the Janis Joplin set. We got to watch it right up close and to this day it is one of my greatest musical experiences.



  1. Did you ever watch the concert movie? My review is here:

  2. I've seen it a couple of times. I hoped to catch a glimpse of myself in it but no luck.

  3. Great story.

    I've had some great concert experiences, but I can't touch that one.

  4. btw, by the looks of things, I think there was something going on between them. Body language and all...

  5. It was one of the first big concerts I attended so it remains a strong memory unlike the others that have become jumbled in the mists of time.
