Monday, August 25, 2008

Cheering Myself Up

I woke up this morning feeling a little subdued, not at all like my usual raging, manic, dizzy euphoric self. Perhaps I'm still feeling sorry for all the Olympians who lost their events - really, this sort of thing wrenches my heart. I needed something to perk myself up and it was way too early to hit the liquor cabinet (even for me) so I raided the stash of beauty supplies that I hoard specifically for occasions like this. I went about exfoliating the skin from my face and the hair from my legs; I put stuff on my eyelids to take away puffiness and other stuff on my lips to add puffiness, spackled my wrinkles and looked in the mirror. Oscar Wilde once said, " Those whom the gods love grow young." I was thinking that the gods are severely pissed off at me today.
I decided a trip to the cemetery was what was needed to lift my sagging spirits. No kidding, the St. Mark's cemetery is a beautiful and peaceful spot and I've been meaning to take some photos there. This was an inspired idea on such a perfect day and I came home feeling decidedly more uptempo. Here are a couple of pics:

more photos here

If CBC sees fit to return Coronation Street to the airwaves tonight my day will be perfect.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous11:26 am

    Your photos are great. Keep 'em coming!
