Monday, July 07, 2008

Someone pays for those cheap clothes

I bought this $8.00 dress at Old Navy (not my usual stomping grounds) and I felt pretty good about it until Mr. Nag said, "How do you think they can afford to sell something for that price?" He was right of course and henceforth I will wear that dress with more than a twinge of guilt. The Guardian had a good article on the high cost of cheap clothes:
Someone is paying the price for those clothes, my dear. And seeing as it's clearly not you, and it's unlikely to be the store (most stores tend to be a bit reluctant to sell clothes for less than they paid to have them made - they're funny like that) perhaps it's someone else. Someone around the age of 10, maybe. Read more.

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous9:29 pm

    Why are your legs so white?
