The Nag Doesn't Not Like Change

The other day I had a marathon phone conversation with an old friend who connected with me via Facebook. Among the many topics we discussed was blogging. Friend feels that blogging is a powerful tool that can effect real change and urged me to use my power for the good of mankind, etc. There are many bloggers who do just that but me, I scour the internets seeking mildly amusing links (just call me La Triviata). Don't get me wrong, I'm rabidly political but politics absorbed most of my working life for many years and I see this blog as an entertaining diversion (you want political writing you'll have to pay me for it, that's what I'm used to). However, in a nod to the spirit of change, here's this:


  1. Anonymous12:35 pm

    Well, blogging is like math or the alphabet; you can use it for anything, and it's diminished by the idea that you should use it only for one thing. Resist the blogofascists!

  2. Exactly the comment I'd expect from a guerilla blogger like you:-)

  3. There's a few things I try to avoid: politics, religion, celebrities, salaciousness and cute kitties, in the main.

    It's not that I may or may not be interested in these topics, it's just that there is so (too) much of it out there. Frankly, most of this stuff is straight-up BORING.

    All those long blah-blah-blah pseudo-intellectual posts drive me to the 'mark as read' or 'unsubscribe' buttons.

    I think you've found a nice niche. Don't go changing.

    btw, I like that, 'blogofascists'!

    Freakin' blogosnobs make me want to puke. I have a special nasty variety of projectile barf for those that scoff at people on Blogger. Give me a break!

    Rock on Naggy!

  4. Note that the first paragraph refers to what I blog about, not necessarily what I read.

    Also, not all long posts are boring, but most seem to be.

    Brevity is the soul of wit. (A maxim I am violating in spades, so I'll stop.)

  5. I'm trying to resist pressure from Mr. Nag to post more kittens wearing clothes but frankly I don't know how much longer I can hold out.

  6. Anonymous9:41 pm

    Don't change

  7. I don't want to leave the impression that I felt pressured to do anything different. Actually I felt just for a moment that maybe I suck. I guess I don't?

  8. Aw hell no, perish the thought!


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