Tempest in a laptop

'Porn' furor grips MPs - perhaps the government should call an inquiry :).

Rabidly overzealous NDP MP Irene Mathyssen accused Conservative MP James Moore of surfing the net for soft porn during question period. She had to apologize when it turned out the photos were of his scantily dressed girlfriend rather than some anonymous porn star. (Where his hands were while he was doing this has yet to be revealed).
Yes, Ms Mathyssen, sexual exploitation has no place in the House of Commons but your eagerness to dig up scandal where there is none hasn't helped the cause. It has however drawn attention to the malaise that has gripped our elected representatives. The belief is already widely held that many MPs simply fill in space in the House of Commons and have to be nudged awake for votes. Stories like this add credence to that belief. It doesn't really matter whether he was looking at pictures of his squeeze, surfing for porn or doing a find-a-word puzzle; he should have been trying to look interested in the proceedings going on around him after all, this is what he's paid to do. I don't know about you but in most of the jobs I've had the boss would not approve of me salivating over half naked pictures of Mr. Nag on his/her dollar.

