I thought foams were so like last year

In 2005 I blogged about foams being passé, El Bulli's plan to sell its outdated techniques to the masses is just not cutting edge enough for The Nag. This year I'm feasting on water baked in a salt crust and air tartare.

El Bulli for you:
It would take El Bulli, the Spanish restaurant that is regularly voted the world's best, 125 years to get through its reservations backlog for this year alone. But for foodies desperate to sample its pioneering molecular gastronomy, help is at hand.
With tins of ingredients with wacky names such as Lecite, Algin, Kappa and Metil, cooks can create sizzling fruit jellies, spaghettis for the gluten intolerant made of pureed vegetables and water, and the solid cocktails that are El Bulli's trademark.

I'm not certain what the reaction would be if I placed an ethereal foam concoction on the dinner table. I suspect I'd have to bread and deep fry it before I could tempt Baby Nag to sample it.

