Saturday, June 09, 2007

Amy Pataki's list of 17 foods to try before you die

I've tried eleven items on the list. Sweetened condensed milk straight up makes me gag. Don't much care for salsify. I do love fresh produce, steamies and soggy fries from a Montreal chip wagon, truffles, rapini, grilled chops and sausages cooked over wood in Sicily, real balsamic, whipped cream and afternoon tea at the King Eddie. No horse or foie gras for me thanks. Probably not bone marrow, either. That leaves Kobe beef sashimi, scallop roe, langos and le riopelle de l'isle left to try. Perhaps I'll have all of them for breakfast since we seem to be out of raisin bread.

here they are;

Kobe beef sashimi

Scallop roe


Pick-your-own produce

Le Riopelle de l'Isle


Street food



Bone marrow

Bitter greens

Anything cooked over a wood fire.

Real balsamic vinegar

Real whipped cream

Sweetened condensed milk

Afternoon tea

Foie gras

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