Jazz pianist Oscar Peterson and an unknown model marvel at the Stereoballs on the Project G stereo, produced by Canadian company Clairtone from 1964 to 1967. Love the rosewood. (image above)
Atlas Obscura's Where to Wander in 2025
“Nail Soup (A Depression Recipe)” — M.F. BealThe only well documented case of an individual to be hit by an object from space and survive it. (perfect for roquefort cheese)
Avatar robot cafe in Tokyo provides independence for bedridden 'pilots' via 52 Things I Learned in 2024
They See Your Photos In this experiment, Google Vision API is used to extract the story behind a single photo. via Web Curios
The King William’s College Quiz: Pupils at King William’s College on the Isle of Man have been tormented by this annual quiz since 1905. Why don’t you give it the old college try. I do it every year and only manage to finish it if I cheat (a lot).
When Balenciaga made a $2,145 Version Of Ikea’s 99-Cent Blue Bag
Denial of care letters: “Our records indicate that you failed to obtain prior authorization before seeking care for the gunshot wound to your chest.”
Endlings: “I started watching the Warrens’ children because my mother’s dead sister was hanging around, giving everyone a hard time. That was how I met the Warrens: my mother’s letter made its way across town to Ed’s desk. Between her many digressions and charmingly articulated grievances, Ed seemed to have discerned its truth: that we were a family troubled, and in desperate need of assistance…” Read More
A peaceful way to spend some time: Listening to the forests of the world
A cute story about a cat whose brain was rewired to crave turkey, only turkey, always turkey, more turkey.
Louis Vuitton Crack House (2013) via the new shelton wet/dry
Belinda Mulrooney: The woman who built and lost and rebuilt a booming empire during the Klondike Gold Rush. (Smithsonian)
Recreating an Ancient Roman Dinner of Death “After this all the things that are commonly offered at the sacrifices to departed spirits were likewise set before the guests, all of them black and in dishes of a similar colour.” —Dio Cassius, Roman History
Unpaint: Peel-off temporary paint
The Voyagers May Go Dark in Five Years This story made me sad.
confounding calendar A free online advent calendar of games: a collection of tiny puzzle surprises for you to play each day in December. (You’ll have some catching up to do because December is already a week old.) via Web Curios
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