Monday, September 16, 2024

Do You Think About Me?

Awkward coffee for Laura Marling and Tim Key. Cute.

1 comment:

  1. Oh, this is nice. This man is who I'd really like to think I seem like. When it goes as well as this, though, it's because I'm simultaneously daydreaming a Secret Life of Walter Mitty scenario, which dilutes and reins in disastrous non sequitur shortcuts that come out of my mouth and creep even me out and I cringe about for the rest of my life so, when I'm alone or with Juanita and I recall it, I say aloud, "Stop thinking that," and when there's someone else around to hear and that happens, I, uh... No, I say, "Stop thinking that," then too, but add, "Not you, sorry."

    That said, I'm always a little worried when people who look very alike in films or real life are attracted to each other. Here, they're both soft and puffy-white, with the same accent and tone of voice and clock speed. For imagining what might happen later between them, it's better for me if people don't seem so much like they could be brother and sister.
