Sunday, August 25, 2024

Sunday Links

A collection of photos of freespirited women at parties in the 60s from Vintage Everyday. (image above)

A free game for you: Anagram Sentence Generator 

No Ordinary Love Real-life beginnings of six couples who met on Hinge.

Crossing the line: In 1962, twenty-one year old US army private first class Joe Dresnok dashed across the minefield of the Demilitarised Zone into North Korean territory. He decided to remain there and became a celebrity.

The River Mansion on New York’s Upper West Side is on the market at $12,995,000. Built in 1902 it is a fine example of Gilded-Age architecture. It’s a knockout but who has that kind of dough?

An interesting story about the day gigs of Philip Glass, composer of the famous opera Einstein on the Beach.

It’s time to end the myth that the US needed to drop atomic bombs to end World War II  (Hasan Jasim)

Shrinkflation: Why toilet paper keeps getting smaller and smaller.

It’s a strange thing when your parents get ready to sell your childhood home. (3Quarks Daily)

Because review spam is a pervasive scourge: ReviewMeta analyzes Amazon product reviews and filters out reviews that their algorithm detects may be unnatural. via Web Curios

Quote Of The Day: Someone said to Socrates that a certain man had grown no better by his travels.‘I should think not,’ he said; ‘he took himself along with him.’— Montaigne, Essays  

Could you live in a 600 square foot home? I’d have to get rid of a lot of stuff but these smallish apartments look quite comfortable. (via Miss Cellania)

St. Tropez is the latest city to push back against the scourge of over-tourism.

This Shirazi Salad goes with every meal and “a sprinkling of pomegranate seeds makes it look like a platter of gemstones.”

American Vulcan: “The facts of Palmer Luckey’s life are so uniquely bizarre—combining elements of fantasy with lunacy and also world-altering change—that they could be printed on magnetic poetry tiles, rearranged in an endless number of indiscriminate combinations by a drooling baby, and yet every time, still manage to convey something significant and true.” Read more (via Duck Soup)

I thought this was worth reposting. Marcella Hazan’s Tomato Sauce Recipe (NYT gift link) is the only tomato sauce I make and it’s made my life a little easier over the years.

A personalized brain pacemaker for a skateboarder with Parkinson’s.

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