Sunday, August 04, 2024

Sunday Links

La Casa Xinesa / The Chinese House by Luvilphoto

The modernist houses of Barcelona When I was in Barcelona I got a sore neck from craning to look up at all the beautiful architecture. (image above)

You can visit Canada's oldest bar in a small Ontario town  In the early 90s when I worked in St. Kitts this was an occasional after work pitstop. I live here now so maybe I should drop in.

The history of the Olympic Games in Paris Paris has twice before hosted the Olympic Games - first as far back as 1900 and, for the second time, in 1924.

The Monkees and Jimi Hendrix: Almost overnight, they’d gone from lip-syncing boy band comedians to genuine pop stars. (Dolenz describes it as “the equivalent of Leonard Nimoy really becoming a Vulcan.”)

The Scale of Life - This site is a "real-time" visualization of the relative scale of different life events and natural phenomena worldwide. (Warning: there goes your day.) via

I embark on the hero’s journey of filling my insulin prescription The Call to Adventure comes at an inconvenient time. I am inhabiting my Ordinary World, which means I am having a snack and don’t have pants on.

For many years Japan has offered subsidized housing supports to manga artists who are early in their career and have not yet established an audience. (Spoon & Tamago)

I listened to an interview with the author of this book on CBC and I think it would make an excellent gift for an Agatha Christie fan. I’m tempted to buy it for myself. Recipes for Murder: 66 Dishes That Celebrate the Mysteries of Agatha Christie

Brussels has addressed animal welfare concerns in the city centre by replacing

The surprising site of Canada’s newest national park is along the Detroit River in Windsor, Ontario, a city best known for automaking. (NYT gift link)

The modest design of Chicago Workers Cottages provided entry-level homes for working and middle-class Chicagoans, after the Great Chicago Fire. Now they are facing demolition.

Do Penguins Have Knees?  and other frequently asked questions. via

These four-legged Johnny Appleseeds have an important job to do. They are being deployed to help rewild an urban nature reserve in England. 

A “facadectomy” created an ambitious new building for a historic district that both blends in and stands out. Managing a Modern Makeover in a Historic Buffalo Neighborhood 

"Postal Cats"  An ill-conceived proposal to establish a regular system of cat communication between Liège and the neighbouring villages. (Everyone knows that kitties don’t do that.)

If you are visiting London here are 32 things to do. It’s a good list. I have done 26 of the suggested activities.

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