Thursday, June 06, 2024

Behold the Codex Gigas

The Codex Gigas is the largest extant medieval illuminated manuscript in the world. It contains a full-page glamour portrait of the devil garbed in an ermine loincloth and cherry red claws.

Read more: Open Culture

1 comment:

  1. Obviously, back in the early days of humankind writing things down, we bipeds had a clarity of vision about the existence of the world and a vast knowledge of how it all came about.

    I shun logic and science and kneel at the alter of those clever people from years and years ago that wrote books even though they were going through the late stages of madness or even sometimes, were using mushrooms and/or other easily obtained mind bending foods, herbs or moulds.

    Higher and thicker praise should be heaped on the memories of those authors who were not aided by drugs or madness and simply were of such fertile imaginations that they were able to conjure up mythical beasts (note the word 'mythical') and angels and demons and ... I don't know, maybe even dragons ?

    I place my hands together in a single and uncompleted clap while I kneel and in my head I recite some of the words I read in those ancient books in the hope that some of those imagined mythical creatures are able to help the people around me that have no such faith in the ramblings of crazy minds that lived in the past, the owners of which were able to convince the people of their day that they should be allowed to print their fantasies and that the same people should accept those words as facts.

    TL/DR - If it was written down centuries ago - it MUST be fact.
