Sunday, May 26, 2024

Sunday Links

Image: Ben Koush

How Mid-Century Texas Became a Hotbed of Modern Architecture (photo above)

Bifurcated Girls is a salacious illustrated story about a group “girls” wearing trouser and engaging in a spot of “rough-housing” with the kind of spanking that follows male adolescent dreams about what what “girls’ get up to on sleepovers after the pillow fights end. 

Colourful Caterpillars Photographed by Samuel Jaffe 

A Very Normal Captcha Game makes you solve increasingly ridiculous captchas.

How to Cook Like a Tradwife (a peculiar breed of home-birthing, cow-milking, artisanal bread-baking, submissive wives)

I found a simplified recipe for eggplant parmigiana that does not require breading and frying individual slices of eggplant. It’s not quite the same as the one I’m used to (the breadcrumbs and  cheese are baked on top) but it’s lighter and I actually prefer it.

Anne Hathaway's California Arts and Crafts cottage is my dream home

This might come in handy someday: How to put on a chainmail t-shirt - bookofjoe

Miranda July Recommends the Best Way to Procrastinate I procrastinated by reading her post.

These pin-up girl earrings with magnetic interchangeable clothing are my new favourite thing. (via my blog sister Rusty Blazenhoff)

From Another World: Tunes from a Martian auditorium.

Map reveals best places to live in the US if nuclear war breaks out

This is for those of you who, like me, are being driven mad by Connections: An Open Letter to the New YorkTimes Connections Editor 

The evolution of Hokusai’s iconic woodblock print

Scientists calculated the energy needed to carry a baby. Shocker: it’s a lot.

Real Housewives of the Supreme Court via everlasting blort 

This is the Time of Year Bamboo Shoots Grow, Sometimes Wreaking Havoc


  1. Anonymous12:57 am

    Those caterpillars are incredible, not easy to hide though.

    I couldn’t find the tradwife’s $20,000 stove but one shot showed a big green one in the background

    Hathaway’s cottage would be a bear to keep clean with all those open shelves and flat surfaces.

    When nuclear war breaks out the question is not how to survive but do you want to?

    Don’t worry about rats coming from your toilet, worry about bamboo shoots.


  2. ❤️❤️❤️

  3. Diane Davis9:27 am

    WOWWEE!! Thanks SO much for the mention of my jewelry. You and Rusty rock!😍
