Thursday, April 25, 2024

Technical Difficulties

When I opened my blog yesterday the formatting was wonky. I managed to fix it but decided that I didn’t really like the layout anymore and switched back to the previous template which has a less cluttered look. I originally changed it a few years ago so that the blog would work better with mobile devices. Let me know if you are having difficulty viewing the new/old format.


  1. Yeah, since yesterday it’s the old time style blog. I was wondering why. But don’t lose sleep over it, it’s completely immaterial, and maybe even better / simpler!

  2. Thanks Hanan. The problem with that template a few years ago was that it wasn’t displaying properly on mobile devices. It seems to be ok now.

  3. Anonymous3:56 pm

    I like it this way

  4. Anonymous12:52 am

    I stand with the "much better" crowd. Seems to scroll okey dokey on my mobile. Martita en España

  5. Anonymous7:06 am

    Way better indeed...

  6. Anonymous1:26 pm

    I prefer the previous format. It used to look like your blog. Now it just looks like a blog.

  7. Dis be gud !
    And this way one can enjoy the comments made by others, the previous format was like walking through a Soviet superbmarket (the B putin by the USSR propaganda dept) ... all bleak and empty of comments.
    This way it is possible to pick up an other's comment, read the ingredients, and then put it back or take it to the check out.

    Like in the free world !

  8. Anonymous8:46 am

    I like this layout MUCH better!!
