Sunday, April 28, 2024

Sunday Links

Buon Ricordo Plates (above) were introduced 60 years ago as a marketing tool for an association of regional Italian restaurants. They featured designs inspired by restaurants’ signature dishes. (Image: Luciano Paselli)

This might be the most horrifying video I have ever seen.

Batman and Batgirl off duty, 1968  (Vintage Everyday)

The driver made all the passengers comfortable before starting the trip. He has everything under control. via everlasting blort 

A Martini Tour of New York City Gary Shteyngart’s month of vermouth-rinsing and fat-washing.

Joe is his own grandfather (Futility Closet)

Charlotte Braun, a very noisy little girl who annoyed Charlie Brown, made just 10 appearances in Peanuts before vanishing entirely, never to be mentioned again. via perfect for roquefort cheese

Auto Brewery Syndrome, when your body brews its own alcohol.

The Rise and Impending Fall of the Dental Cavity

Dublin Airport blessing of the planes to go ahead for 77th time as Father Des Doyle gets security clearance.

Keith Haring painted a mural for an Iowa elementary school in 1989. It is going on public display for the first time.

Best pet ever? The Thermonator

The Oldest Trees in the World: From Methuselah the bristlecone pine to a descendant of Japan's first tea tree.

Coming soon to a neighbourhood near you: Americans opposed to policies like abortion access, support for transgender rights and vaccine mandates during the pandemic are starting to move to other states based on their political opinions. (TYWKIWDBI)

1 comment:

  1. Anonymous1:37 pm

    Joe invents a time machine, goes back and begat Bill who begat Joe.
    Joe is his own grandfather. Bill is not his own grandfather.

    French fry injector, imagine the fries you steal from the bag on the drive home(the best ones) already have ketchup in them.
