Monday, March 18, 2024

Geisha on the Offworld blimp

Previously unseen footage from Blade Runner of the geisha projection seen on the Offworld blimp.

Link via Memo Of The Air


  1. As my hearing deteriorates, more and more of the things people say to me sound like your title. I'll pay to get in somewhere, or ask a question, or just walk past where people are talking, and it's "Geisha on the offworld blimp?" or some other perfect non sequitur. I'll nod, smile, perhaps shrug politely, and continue, then much later I figure out what they must have said, or not. In this case, though, it actually is a geisha on an offworld blimp, so it was finally worth it, stressing my inner ears all my life with fireworks and big bands and real headphones.

    1. I hear ya! (Actually that is a figure of speech. These days I only decipher half of what people say to me. )
