Friday, December 08, 2023

Keeping Warm in 1970s Britain

No, this is not a Monty Python comedy skit. The energy crisis in Britain was very real with rolling blackouts, three-day work weeks implemented and crushing heating costs. And the UK is seeing a replay in 2023 as the number of British households in fuel poverty has risen dramatically. 


  1. So glad my parents emigrated us out of that country.
    Left there when I was seven.
    My dad chose Australia for us, but he always said it was a hard choice between Canada, Australia and South Africa.

    We ended up in New Zealand ... Aussie proving too hot for my parents.
    Funnily enough, a whole lot of immigrants moved here from South Africa to get away from the troubles they had with apartheid, so I guess that was a lucky miss.

    Always thought Canada would have been good, sort of modern and affluent like the USA but without the brashness ... leastways, thats my take on it.

    My brother and his wife broke up years ago and my sister in law moved to Canada, taking their kids with her, my favourite nephew and niece.
    My niece used to sit on my knee when I was about 15 or so and rub my ear while she sucked her thumb, she would have been 3 or 4 then I guess.

    Haven't seen her or him since, makes me cry but I hope they are happy.
    They'll be in their mid fifties now.
    Michelle and Aaron if you know them, Canada being a small country and all (lol)

    Sorry to share a bit of my life story, the video of the 'old country' stirred me a bit.
    My sister regrets being taken away from the U.K. but I don't at all, apart from not having contact with the cousins and others we left behind.

    Ha, I can do the accents from South Africa and Australia ... and Canada quite well, should I ever find the money to visit and a babysitter for my six cats.

    1. Thanks for sharing your story with us, William. Canada loses points for its cold winters but is otherwise a very nice place to live. I’ve always been wowed by pictures of New Zealand and I’m sure your parents made a good choice. I’ll keep an eye out for Michelle and Aaron and if I ever happen to run across them I’ll tell them you send regards.
