Friday, December 29, 2023

Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen

György Pálfi’s Final Cut: Ladies and Gentlemen is a simple yet timeless love story between a man and a woman, told using iconic scenes edited together from hundreds of other films.

It’s age-restricted and can only be viewed on YouTube
(Runtime: 1 hour 24 minutes)


  1. I just saw it for the 3rd time last month. I love it.

    1. I'm actually certain that I sent you a link to it once

    2. You probably did.When I began this endeavour 18 years ago I thought it would last about 6 months and didn’t set up an organized filing system. I depend totally on my memory which has become less reliable over the years. Thanks for being one of the first to post links to NOTL on Grow-a-Brain and for continuing to send me so many links over the years.

    3. We old timers must stick together
