Friday, October 20, 2023

Love Plus One: Found Photobooth Snapshots

The photobooth was a precursor to today’s selfie and social media culture. My friends, my sisters and I spent many quarters hoping to be rewarded with the perfect glamour shot but someone always moved or our hair was a mess so we were usually disappointed. Flashbak’s photobooth snapshot collection evokes many fond and goofy memories.

The found photobooth shot below is one that I came across in a cluttered drawer a few years ago. I was maybe 13 years old but probably thought that white lipstick and eyeliner made me look grownup. I plan to sort through old photos in the near future and may find hundreds more of these. 


  1. Anonymous6:25 pm

    Oh my, your young hippie girl photo is so sweet! I was a white lipstick wearer, too!

  2. Anonymous10:05 pm

    You look at least 14 and a half! Cyndicat x
