Sunday, April 02, 2023

Sunday Links

Hotel Inntel Zaandam

It looks like a trick, a conjuring act, as if some maverick architect ran off to join the circus, and learned how to balance one building on top of another, possibly while riding a bike (image above) - via my friend Alan

Airplane Window Bar Shelf Actually the last thing I want to see in my home is something that reminds me of being on an airplane.

Literary baby names, some cringey, some not.

What is this guy doing to the terrier—measuring him for a seersucker suit? Vintage Everyday

Three children were abandoned at a Barcelona train station in 1984 Almost four decades later the youngest of the three began a search for their parents. 

In a recent survey 1 in 3 Americans (32%) – including nearly half of men (46%) – are confident they could safely land a passenger airplane in an emergency situation, relying only on the assistance of air traffic control. Just 1 in 5 women say the same.
Someone please tell them that ego is not a license to fly.

"I get so sick of everyone thinking that everything they use has to be nice. Can’t some stuff just be crappy?" My Ugly Bathroom 

The better to kiss you with m'dear: Scientists think T. Rex had big lips

We had all, at one point, privately reckoned with these “unusable” images on our camera rolls, rolled our eyes at the horrors they revealed. The Weird Beauty Of The Photos Our Kids Take Of Us (Thanks Bruce!)

When Auntie flipped over a piece, the tofu’s underside was purplish like a black eye, its thick skin waxy and crackly like a fried egg bottom. And then it started expanding. America doesn't know tofu

Vilma Grünwald's Last Letter to Her Husband - Auschwitz, July 1944

Beauty is Medicine Experiencing awe because of beauty is a transcendental experience and sometimes the more we transcend ourselves, the easier it becomes to feel better.

First put the bears/worms/fish into the glass dishes: A recipe even a klutz can make. (a repost from 2009)

For the past year a team of art restorers has been reassembling Salvador Dalí’s fun house, Keith Haring's carousel, Basquiat's ferris wheel, and 27 other installations from the original 1987 Luna Luna fun park and are taking them on the road. Read more: Atlas Obscura

Selling your house? You could do worse than these two agents.

History in the rubble: See what was lost in Antakya’s Old City, through one street at the heart of the community. (NYT link)

It's a portable and cleverly organized charcuterie board! All the snackle boxes.


  1. Anonymous9:17 pm

    The airplane window bar shelf based on 777 dimensions “with real rivets”. You’ll never see those pop rivets on a plane, notice the little hole in the center.

    Trump indictment quiz, I always counted on McSweeney’s to be funny but this was sad/infuriating. Trump’s such a scumbag. I don’t think money made him that way, I think his father raised him in his own image.

    The 3 Spanish kids was engrossing, I had to keep reminding myself it’s a true story.

    Beauty is medicine? OMG, NAG is a drug!

    I would pay real money to watch them tear down Luna Luna, move it, and reassemble it.

    1. Thanks for the feedback on the links. You actually checked those rivets? I am relieved to hear that you are not a Trump fan.

    2. Anonymous8:51 pm

      I spent 25 years working for Boeing, I know rivets.
      A couple years ago I flew in a WWII B-17 and I was checking the rivets, comparing the 1942 riveting to the recent repair rivets. Not like I was studying them it's just with years of experience my eye automatically spots a bad one in my peripheral vision.
      I've been aware of trumps scumbaggery since to branched out from NYC to Atlantic City, long before Hollywood and politics. He awarded a $100,000 contract for work in Atlantic City to a guy I knew with a cabinet shop. It meant borrowing money to expand the business which would take all the profit from the job but build his business for the future. Job done, everything fine he get's a check for $50,000. When he asked trump for the other half the reply was "sue me".
      With trumps army of lawyers that would take years and a couple hundred thousand dollars to do. He lost his business. his house, his family, everything... just so a Billionaire could keep another $50k.

  2. Marco McClean12:39 am

    I don't get what's so crappy about that bathroom. Everything is clean and nice. There's no mold. The linoleum is intact. The bathtub has a book tray. It's perfect.
