Thursday, February 09, 2023

Singing Dogs

New Guinea Singing Dog
Image credit: Patti McNeal / Wikimedia Commons

Our sweet Liz (2004-2023)
Image: Marilyn Bellamy

Often when we were walking our old dog, Liz, people would ask what breed she was. Harold always replied (jokingly) that she was a New Guinea Singing Dog, the world's rarest canine. It is estimated that only 200-300 of these animals are in existence today. Our dear dog died earlier this week at the ripe old age of 19. Of course we are terribly sad but our friends have supported us with kind condolences over the past few days. Sally who walked her dog, Parker, with Harold and Liz every day for years made a thoughtful donation in Liz's name to a centre that rescues primitive dog breeds, including New Guinea Singing Dogs. Although Liz did not vocalize much she certainly bore a striking physical resemblance to the breed as you will see in the pictures above.


  1. Anonymous5:47 pm

    RIP Liz, you brought joy to and for your family.

  2. Anonymous11:05 pm

    Our deepest condolences but happy you had so many years of companionship - much love and you are all in our thoughts - PfRC
