Sunday Links

Image credit:  PIERO CAVALLINA

SALT is a fully AI-generated filmverse, where community choices drive a multi-plot story (via webcurios)

Sacre Blur This stained glass greenhouse project by Tony Heywood and Alison Condie is pretty darn fabulous. (via Memo Of The Air)

Bibliomysteries: Crime novels featuring libraries, bookshops, the publishing industry, and the world of collecting.

Maison Owl A restaurant that feels like a hideout.

The Rutan Voyager was the first aircraft to fly around the world without stopping or refueling. Very weird-looking.

Eater has posted a roundup of TV shows about food  that are coming this fall. I'll be watching some of them.

Do you want to know how to fake a British accent, talk to your dog or have sex in a canoe? How to do everything (via)

US life expectancy got worse during Covid-19, and then kept getting worse.Why?

