Sunday, July 24, 2022

Sunday Links

James McNeill Whistler's Symphony in White, No. 1: The White Girl, 1861–1863 National Gallery of Art

Woman in White: Joanna Hiffernan and James McNeill Whistler is a new exhibition about the artist's relationship with a much younger woman.

How cartoonists are chronicling the Jan. 6 hearings - The Washington Post (paywall)

Senator Josh Hawley fled the very mob he incited and people are having a little fun with it: Josh Hawley is a bitch and other poetic mockeries

Are you uncertain how long those leftovers have been in the refrigerator but afraid that subjecting them to the sniff test will set off your gag reflex? Snoot aroma detector works out freshness of food to eliminate waste.

The Nap Box allows you to snatch 40 winks at the office in privacy (but you have to sleep in the pod like a flamingo, standing upright.)

Fesshole: Let Twitter absolve your sins.

Zebreo? Loafox? These are some of the surreal hybrids that photo manipulation artist Ronald Ong created in his surreal mashups of animals with food and other unexpected items. Link

RunawayWives: what it took for a woman to leave an abusive husband in medieval London. (via TMN)

Sphinx Hill Unique Egyptian style house for sale.

The surprisingly competitive world of France’s humblest bistro staple: The Oeuf Mayo World Championship

Working from home and missing the ambience of the workplace? Sound Of Colleagues is a white noise machine that emulates the sound of an office. (via bookofjoe)

This rose survived WW2 bombing and has probably witnessed much more over the past thousand years.

The Great Salt Lake in Utah is drying up due to global warming.

How crazy is this? Two dozen New York models competed in a hair pulling contest at the Palisades Amusement Park on July 11, 1940. 

Frankly I'm over summer and looking forward to crisp autumn days but here is a list of Summer Songs for those who enjoy the suffocating heat.

Nick Cave was asked Who do you want to win Love Island? His response is lovely. (via Things Magazine)

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