Sunday Links

Kokea Kwok (above) is a photographer and designer who has used bedding and textiles to create a series about our relationship with comfort food.

This looks like a wonderful holiday: Tea Estate Bungalows in Sri Lanka

The Lost Glamour of the Department-Store Restaurant I vaguely remember the dining rooms at Eaton's and Simpsons in Montreal and Toronto. As a kid I thought they were pretty swanky.

Grayson Perry's End Of Covid Bell was made in support of the campaign to Save the Whitechapel Bell Foundry.

Atomic Bombing: How to Protect Yourself (Thanks Bruce, I feel much safer now)

The newest room at the Swedish Treehotel is suspended among the trees and covered in 350 birdhouses.

When I was a little girl my favourite lunch was Chef Boyardee ravioli with a slice of Wonderbread and butter. Here's the story of how it made its way to our table. (Via Dr. Caligari's Cabinet)

If those adorable little badgers couldn’t make it, what hope was there for the rest of us? Disturbing Biographies of Children's Book Authors

How To Declutter Your Home - Step By Step Guide (I'm going to share this with Mr. Nag) 

Remember the days when concerts were free and mostly peaceful? High Times And Green Grass: Stones In The Park 

Unai no tomo Catalogues of Japanese Toys (1891–1923)

Paint your nails with Velveeta. I'm a gardener and keep my nails cut almost to the quick so no. Maybe you're interested?

