Sunday, May 01, 2022

Sunday Links

"Picasso Citroen" by Andy Saunders (1983) (via everlasting blort)

I subscribe to Craig Mod's newsletters about his travels through Japan and was pleased to see this photo essay in the NYT

Podcast: The Last Tenement A visit to the last tenement in Boston’s old West End, which has come to represent everything that can go wrong with urban planning.

Interactive Archaeology: A Zimbabwean archaeologist reimagines the story of a momentous African civilisation. 

Thread, Fashion and Costume: the design and photographic creations of Mono Giraud.

Brilliant rescue (Thanks Bruce!)

Moviedle: Watch a one second version of the entire movie (no pausing!). Guess the title, or hit skip if you don't know it. If incorrect, you'll get to see a longer & slower version of the movie. (I sucked at this)

After William Burroughs killed his wife he threw away all her possessions. The Disappearing of Joan Vollmer

It's a Small Aisle After All While so-called “ethnic food brands” get a chance to feed the American masses, they’re still confined to the ethnic aisle. And they may never leave. (a good read)

Has a virtual stranger ever taught you something valuable about the world or yourself? A touching story. (thanks Bruce!)

Unreal Keanu Reeves Parody, life and eternal youth. (via everlasting blort)

His and Hers Apartments After 49 years of marriage, Dorothy and Stephen Globus grew apart aesthetically. So they built his and hers apartments, side by side. 

One man, with a pickle bucket and a potato peeler, decided to clean the world: The surprising afterlife of used hotel soap

Indigenous groups in Canada and the U.S. are using radar to unearth the bleak history surrounding its residential schools.

For your delectation: Pulsating maggot kaleidoscope with bird song. (via Memo Of The Air)

The Bee House Brick provides cool nesting site for solitary bees and helps people to build more bee-friendly buildings and backyards.

The Napalm Dog is a story about Bill Arthrell, a lifetime activist and one of the Kent 25 who were indicted by a grand jury on criminal charges in conjunction with the events at Kent State University of May, 1970. Arthrell died in a car accident earlier this year.

If you think knowing the end of a film destroys its experience, don't read this: Spoiler Paintings 

Weather Station Kurt was set up secretly by a German submarine crew in northern Labrador in 1943. It is the only known armed German military operation on land in North America during World War II.

Designing a future of material growth through a sneaker that grows edible plants? The Microgreen Shoe points out how far removed we are from the origins of the food we eat and the products that we clothe ourselves in.

Target dress challenge: "Target has decided if we're gonna suffer a pandemic, we might as well look like we just lost the farm after locusts ate our crops."

Find Niche Museums near you. The closest ones to me are 3 1/2 hours away in Cleveland, OH (via Things Magazine)


  1. Anonymous3:00 pm

    Damn little about Joan Vollmer Burroughs mostly about Katie Bennett.

    I take it from the bee bricks and similar I’ve seen that solitary bees are like apartment dwellers, live privately but not necessarily antisocial.

    Lots of museums near you, here’s 100

    1. We haven't been to the US since before the pandemic. The borders are open now but it's still not business as usual. We have a lot of museums on this side of the border, some great small ones within 20 minutes.
