Saturday, April 30, 2022

OCD Trigger Warning

I don't usually post this sort of thing but this perfectionist's nightmare collection made me laugh. 

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  1. The food tube, okay, that's wrong, but the standing package: you can open the door by lifting either side's handle; you're not trapped if you can't push it down. The doctor in the bus-side illustration could be the same species as the creature in /Pan's Labyrinth/. And the man with the broccoli rubber bands around his arm is using that cup with the wrong hand. Though I'm always paranoid that an art cup has poison metal in the paint and won't use them anyway to drink out of. I prefer a Mason jar.

    1. Thanks for telling me about the door handle. I've been trapped in my house for weeks and was just about to run out of food.

    2. Well. Good thing then that Canadian toilets have a civilized chain to pull, and not a puzzling handle.
