Wednesday, December 15, 2021

This 1949 Toaster Is Better Than Yours

Many years ago I had a friend who owned one of these. It was a very good toaster and the expensive toasters I have bought over the years can't hold a candle to it.



  1. Sharktooth10:56 am

    Wow, just wow!

  2. I have some old friends, the Taylors, Ferren and Jill and their kids, now grown and with families of their own. Jill told me a story once about how when she was a little girl her brother, not much bigger than she was, used to order her around. He told her, /Make me some toast./ She said no. He put two pieces of bread in her little hands and said, /MAKE ME TOAST/. She said, "Make your own damn toast!" bounced the bread off him, and both pieces fell perfectly into the toaster --from the description, just like the toaster in this video-- and they slowly went down. Jill turned around and sauntered out like heroes in a movie walking boredly away from the giant explosion of their enemy's helicopter crashing and blowing up because they threw a knife into the pilot's eye.

  3. They should have taken that act 0n the road.
